星期二, 八月 19, 2008

Citius, Altius, Fortius

John_Stephen_Akhwari Img214225556

“我的祖国,把我从7000英里外送到这里,不是让我开始比赛,而是要我完成比赛。” ——约翰·斯蒂芬·阿赫瓦里
"My country did not send me to Mexico City to start the race. They sent me to finish."
1968年墨西哥城奥运会的马拉松比赛。发令枪响, 坦桑尼亚运动员阿赫瓦里迈着沉稳的步子出发了。但是在距离起点19公里处,阿赫瓦里却因为晕眩摔伤了右腿。简单包扎后,他拖着受伤的右腿费力地迈开了脚步,鲜血渗了出来,染红了绷带。晚上19时,阿赫瓦里跌跌撞撞地跑进了主会场。此时,比赛已经结束了一个小时,偌大的体育场里,只剩下场地工作人员和最后一批即将散去的观众。短暂的沉默后,在场所有的观众和工作人员面向阿赫瓦里举起了双手,雷鸣般的掌声经久不息。阿赫瓦里最终以4小时30分跑完了全程。事后,他说出了奥运史上最朴实也最震撼人心的语言——"我的祖国,把我从7000英里外送到这里,不是让我开始比赛,而是要我完成比赛。"

During the race he fell, badly cutting his knee and dislocating the joint. Rather than quitting, he continued running. He finished last among the 74 competitors. When asked why he continued running, he said simply, "My country did not send me to Mexico City to start the race. They sent me to finish." Akhwari competed for ten years after the 1968 Olympics. He finished fifth in the marathon at the 1970 Commonwealth Games. There was an article written up in Delta's Sky Magazine. Akhwari has lent his name to the John Stephen Akhwari Athletic Foundation, an organization which supports Tanzanian athletes training for the Olympic Games. He was invited to the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, Australia. He appeared in Beijing as a goodwill ambassador in preparation for the 2008 Games. (From Wiki)

phelps1 phelps
“外星人”、“水中怪兽”迈克尔·菲尔普斯(Michael Phelps)创造“菲尔普斯神话” 水立方8枚金牌


ISINBAYEVA_Y_20080818_GH_L yelena
WR 5.05m, Beijing, 2008, Yelena Isinbayeva loves playing up to the crowd
iSINBAYEVAAthen, 2004
女子撑杆跳高 孤独求败的 “一厘米”女皇 & 女“沙皇”布勃卡 已24次创造世界纪录(5.05m, Beijing, 2008) 20次奥运会冠军 叶莲娜·伊辛巴耶娃,Елена Исинбаева,Yelena Isinbayeva


Victorious Isinbayeva returns fire (from ninemsn)
Pole vault queen Yelena Isinbayeva has hit back at her American rival Jennifer Stuczynski, who made a rather hopeful pre-Olympic promise to "kick some Russian butt" in reference to the star.
Isinbayeva has been the world record holder since July 2004 and has now raised the bar on 24 occasions, although until last month she had not broken the outdoor mark since 2005.

Yelena Isinbayeva got the Olympic gold and a world record; American Jenn Stuczynski got the silver and a lesson in humility.

And we now have a new rivalry that should make woman’s pole vaulting fun to watch for many more years to come.
Big poles and big mouths don’t go together. Stuczynski knows that now. Pole vaulting isn’t basketball or boxing. It’s far too graceful of a sport for the kind of trash-talk she doled out before the Beijing Games.
“I hope we do some damage,” she had said, “and, you know, kick some Russian butt.”
Big mistake.
Isinbayeva is Russian but she understands English just fine. The greatest women’s pole vaulter of all time heard Stuczynski’s challenge loud and clear.
“I am not deaf,” she said. “It made me really angry.”

sautin sautin2sautin1 sautin3
“跳水沙皇” 萨乌丁,Дмитрий Иванович Саутин,Dmitry Sautin,“不倒翁”,“不老的传奇”,两枚奥运会金牌、五枚世锦赛金牌

乌塞恩·博尔特 Usain Bolt, WR 19s30 200m, WR 9s69 100m, Beijing, 2008
超越伟大的卡尔·刘易斯 Frederick Carlton ("Carl") Lewis,超越14年前的迈克尔·约翰逊 Michael Johnson

PS:体育英雄全纪录 http://www.sporting-heroes.net/Default.asp

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