星期五, 七月 25, 2008

J.K.罗琳 哈佛大学演讲背景资料

Harvard is governed by two boards, one of which is the President and Fellows of Harvard College, also known as the Harvard Corporation and founded in 1650, and the other is the Harvard Board of Overseers. The President of Harvard University is the day-to-day administrator of Harvard and is appointed by and responsible to the Harvard Corporation.U1245P115T29D89299F548DT20050627093636

哈佛大学Harvard University),美国最古老也是最著名的高等学府之一,是一所以培养研究生和进行科学研究为主的综合性大学。这所私立大学与拥有“世界理工大学之最”称号的麻省理工学院共同位于麻萨诸塞州剑桥市。哈佛大学于1636年创立,当时是麻塞诸塞殖民地为培养牧师建立的学校。为纪念清教牧师 约翰·哈佛的慷慨捐赠,麻省大法庭于1639年3月13日下令定名为哈佛学院。哈佛大学是常春藤盟校的八名成员之一。

常春藤盟校常春藤联盟Ivy League)指的是由美国东北部的8所高等学府组成的体育赛事联盟。
2007年2月11日,学校董事会选出该校雷德克里夫高深研究院院长,现年59岁的历史学家吉尔平·佛斯特(Drew Gilpin Faust)为新校长,为哈佛创校371年以来第一位女性校长,也是继宾夕法尼亚大学布朗大学普林斯顿大学后,常春藤盟校的第四位女性校长,她预计于同年7月1日正式上任校长一职;外界对于她的当选,认为是因为原校长劳伦斯·萨默斯对于女性的不当发言所导致的。

凯瑟琳·德鲁·吉尔平·福斯特(英文:Catharine Drew Gilpin Faust,1947年9月18日-),美国历史学家,现任哈佛大学校长(2007年至今),之前担任哈佛拉德克里夫高等研究院院长。

关于文中提到的“残疾人卫生间executive bathroomhttp://www.urbandictionary.com/
The bathroom in most corporate offices reserved for handicapped people, but frequently used by those without disabilities. Termed "executive" for its spacious interior and superior placement in the back of the bathroom away from colleague's offensive odors.
"Aaron frequently uses the executive bathroom, but since everyone thinks he is handicapped, nobody says anything. That and his turds stink!"

Joanne Rowling (born 31 July 1965) , 拥有最优秀不列颠帝国勋章(Most Excellent Order of the British Empire),官佐勋章 (Officer,简称“OBE”)。The OBE is the second-lowest rank. Officers of the Order of the British Empire0000273747

有关作者的笔名J.K.Rowling:Although she writes under the pen name "J. K. Rowling", pronounced rolling, her name when her first Harry Potter book was published was simply "Joanne Rowling". Before publishing her first book, her publisher Bloomsbury feared that the target audience of young boys might be reluctant to buy books written by a female author. It requested that Rowling use two initials, rather than reveal her first name. As she had no middle name, she chose K. for Kathleen as the second initial of her pseudonym, from her paternal grandmother. The name Kathleen has Chenxi,London地标之一,伦敦桥never been part of her real name. Following her marriage, she sometimes uses the name Joanne Murray when conducting private matters. She calls herself "Jo" and says, "No one ever called me 'Joanne' when I was young, unless they were angry."

Griffin 狮鹫
狮鹫(Griffin)是一种传说中的生物。它拥有狮子的身体及鹰的头、喙和翅膀。因为狮子和鹰分别称雄于陆地和天空,狮鹫被认为是非常厉害的动物。在《哈利·波特》中,阿不思·邓不利多教授(Profeeor Albus Dumbledore)办公室的门环就是狮鹫形状,哈里波特所在的学院 格兰芬多(Gryffindor)的名字也演化于此,学院精神是:勇敢、活力与骑士精神。从古到今,狮鹫一直是正义,勇敢,警觉,神圣的象征,狮鹫是费城艺术博物馆的标志。
照片为 Jerry.LiuChenxi摄,London地标之一,伦敦桥)

关于 gay wizard: 霍格沃茨校长,一切故事的幕后安排者 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多(Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore)是同性恋,这种关系存在于他和被他所击败的黑魔法师格林沃德之间。

食死徒 Death Eater:食死徒是伏地魔党羽的称号,他们都是黑魔王的支持者和信徒(也有一部份是被迫—如德拉科·马尔福和小矮星彼得),第一代的食死徒大都是伏地魔的同学。

文中所说的去学习modern languages跟后来ditch German的关系?A modern language is any human language that is currently in use. The term is used in a language education context (in high schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities) to distinguish between languages such as German and French, which are spoken by millions of people and are learned for their usefulness as tools of communication or lingua franca, and classical languages (also called "dead languages") such as Latin, Attic Greek and Classical Chinese, which are studied for their cultural or linguistic value.

Empathy: Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. 移情作用:认同和理解别人的处境、感情和动机。The attribution of one's own feelings to an object. 执着:捉将自身情感投入某一事物。
The mother feels empathy with her son. 母亲觉得他和儿子情感是相同的(心心相印)。
The way to cultivate the pro-social behavior of the undergraduate is as follows: to foster the harmonious communication,to shape the group form,to boost the moral intelligence,to train the ability of empathize,to enhance the progressive individual personality,to boost the humanism accomplishment,and the consensus. 培养大学生的亲社会行为应做到下面几点,即培养大学生和谐的人际关系,形成良好的群体规范,提高大学生的道德智商,培养移情能力,加强高校“两课教育”,塑造大学生全面发展的个体人格,提高大学生人文素质等。
To achieve this purpose,teachers should empathize with students' cognitive(ability),feelings,mind,and respect and trust them in the process of teaching.
Only when the singers accurately master the emotion of the songs, empathize the image of the songs, demonstrate the style of the songs and dexterously utilize the skills of singing performance can they effectively give prominence to the theme of the songs and excavate the expressive force of the songs.


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